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Posted by on in General News

From 21st—22nd September 2016 , the ECOSSIAN consortium met for a technical face-2-face meeting in Rome, Italy. The meeting was hosted by partner Poste Italiane. Besides discussions regarding the technical work for the upcoming months, the meeting was mainly dedicated to the preparation of the Italian National demonstration, which will take place on 8th November in Rome. On the first day of the meeting, a technical workshop for the Italian demonstration was organized by the demo lead Cassidian Cybersecurity SAS. On the second day the concept of the Italian demonstration was presented to the entire ECOSSIAN consortium and feedback was provided. Additionally, rehearsal and training sessions on the ECOSSIAN components involved in the national demonstrations took place. Another focus was put on the planning of dissemination activities for the last project period. Discussions on the 3rd ECOSSIAN workshop were held and possible events were evaluated. Last but not least the compliance of several requirements with the ECOSSIAN system was discussed.b2ap3_thumbnail_20160921_145730.jpg


Hits: 1462

The ECOSSIAN consortium met for the 3rd General Assembly meeting and the 2nd Workshop and Advisory Board meeting that was organized in Dublin, Ireland, from 11th to 13th of May 2016. The meeting hosted by ESPION started with an overview of the technical status and progress during the past year and a summary of the main achievements. Besides individual work package status updates and their achieved results, demonstrations were performed. Furthermore, expectations related to the 2nd review meeting that will take place in July were discussed. The national and final demonstrations were planned and a roadmap for upcoming tasks and responsibilities was defined. One of the highlights of the meeting was certainly the Advisory Board (AB) meeting, which was characterized by interesting in-depth discussions and valuable feedback and comments from the external advosors. Alltogether 4 Advisory Board members and 2 representatives of the related FP7 GAMMA project actively participated in this AB meeting. Summing up, it was a constructive and effective meeting, which defined directions and actions towards the preparation of the upcoming review meeting as well as for the 3rd and last project year.

ECOSSIAN Advisory Board Meeting, May 2016, Dublin/IRELAND

Hits: 2831

Posted by on in General News

The ECOSSIAN consortium met for the technical meeting that was held in Villach, Austria, from 11th to 12th of February 2016. The meeting hosted by Technikon started with an assessment of the external stakeholder workshops and discussions on how to integrate the received feedback. Aside from debates on individual WPs and deliverables, first demonstrations of the ECOSSIAN O-SOC and N-SOC were presented. The role of the E-SOC was discussed and a roadmap for upcoming tasks and responsibilities defined. Further, WP6 “National and European Demonstration” was successfully kicked-off.


Hits: 1958

Posted by on in General News

Tervetuloa suomeen - Welcome to Finland!

From 15th to 16th September 2015 an ECOSSIAN technical meeting was hosted by partner VTT in Oulu, Finland.The aim of the project was to review the current status of the project and to discuss the further progress and upcoming deliverables. Besides individual WP progress reviews, architecture discussions were a major part of the meeting. Also the consideration of reviewers' feedback after the first review meeting and the involvement of external stakeholders were eagerly discussed.



Hits: 1998

Posted by on in General News

From 26th to 27th March 2015 the ECOSSIAN partners met for a technical meeting in Lisbon. The meeting, which was hosted by partner Polícia Judiciária, started off with a review of the current status of the project. After 10 successful months of the project, the submission of several deliverables and the achievement of the first major milesone "Requirements identified", plans for the further progress have been discussed. A roadmap and schedule for the next couple of months have been defined and WP5 "Integration, Preparation of demonstration and evaluation" has been kicked-off.


Within the course of the technical meeting the ECOSSIAN partners also had the unique chance to visit partner REFER's Operational Control Centre.


Hits: 2370