Conferences & Workshops
Critical Infrastructure Protection and Resilience Europe
9th - 11th May 2017, The Hague, THE NETHERLANDS
EuroS&P - 2nd IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy
26th - 28th April 2017, Paris, FRANCE
ECOSSIAN will organize a workshop co-located with the EuroS&P.
WICSPIT 2017 : IoTBDS/SMARTGREENS Workshop -- Innovative CyberSecurity and Privacy for Internet of Things: Strategies, Technologies, and Implementations
24th - 26th April 2017, Porto, PORTUGAL
14th Conference on Privacy Security and Trust
12th - 14th December 2016, Auckland, NEW ZEALAND
23rd ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security
24th - 28th October 2016, Vienna/AUSTRIA
CRITS 2016: The 11th International Conference on Critical Infrastructure Security
10th - 12th October 2016, Paris/FRANCE
CIRAS final conference
8th - 9th July 2016, Katovice/POLAND
15th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security
7th - 8th July 2016, Munich/GERMANY
Outlining Comprehensive Security Analysis Of A Critical Infrastructure Network
VTT presented a paper.
25th May 2016, Crete/GREECE
ELSI presentation ECOSSIAN - QCA approach
KU Leuven/CESS: Workshop on Ethical, Legal, Social Issues in Networked Information Exchange for PPDR
17th May 2016, Brussels/BELGIUM
Rail Cybersecurity Summit
16th March 2016, London/UK
Sehen und Verstehen: ICT security solutions
25th February 2016, Vienna/AUSTRIA
Protecting Critical Infrastructures and addressing Disaster Resilience in Horizon 2020
22nd February 2016, Vienna/AUSTRIA
International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
19th - 21st February 2016, Rome/ITALY
Portugal's External Stakeholder Workshop
4th February 2016, Lisbon/PORTUGAL
Finland's External Stakeholder Workshop
3rd February 2016, Espoo/FINLAND
International Cybersecurity Forum
25th - 26th January 2016, Lille/FRANCE
Kick-Off meeting of NATO Industrial Advisory Group's study on Cyber Defence Situational Awareness (NIAG SG 206)
INOV participated. Presentation of ECOSSIAN to have our approach considered in the study group's report.
18th January 2016, Brussers/BELGIUM
DRIVER I4CR conference
CESS: Siode meetins at the DRIVER I4CR conference on preparation of (a) future joint experimentation in crisis management with focus on CIP, and (b) workshop with government crisis management stakeholders on objectives and applicability of the ECOSSIAN system
1st December 2015, Berlin/GERMANY
EIT Digital Idea Challenge PST
19th November 2015, Trento/ITALY
ISACA Ireland Annual Conference
23rd October 2015, Dublin/IRELAND
A Pan-European Cyber Incident Analysis System
27th October 2015, Eisenstadt/AUSTRIA
5th - 7th October 2015, Berlin/GERMANY
Les assises de la sécurité et des systèmes d'information
BRT participated. Promotion of the ECOSSIAN project
30th September – 3rd October 2015, Monaco
ICS Cyber Security Research 2015
AIT: A Blueprint for a Pan-European Cyber Incident Analysis System
17th-18th September 2015, Ingolstadt/GERMANY
Future Security 2015/2016
15th - 17th September 2015, Berlin/GERMANY
International Conference - 10 years IGRS
30th August 2015, Dresden/GERMANY
ARES - International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security
24th - 28th August 2015, Toulouse/FRANCE
ICINCO 2015 - 12th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
21st - 23rd July 2015, Colmar/FRANCE
CECC 2015 - Central European Conference on Cryptology
TEC participated
8th-10th July 2015, Klagenfurt/AUSTRIA
IEA/AIE 2015 - 28th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems
10th - 12th June 2015, Seoul/SOUTH KOREA
STICC (Symposium sur la sécurité des technologies de l'information et des communications)
3rd - 5th June 2015, Rennes/FRANCE
InfoSecurtity Europe 2015
BRT: Promotion of the ECOSSIAN project
2nd-4th June 2015, London/UK
IFIP SEC 2015 - International Conference on ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection
26th - 28th May 2015, Hamburg/GERMANY
SCADA security briefing
BRT: Briefing on various aspects of cyber security threats, presentation applied to SCADA
21th May 2015, Dublin/Ireland
ICIII 2015 - 4th International Conference on Industrial and Intelligent Information
18th - 19th May 2015, Rome/ITALY
DISSECT 2015 - Workshop on Security for Emerging Distributed Network Technologies
11th - 15th May 2015, Ottawa/CANADA
IT-Security in kritischen Infrastrukturen
AIT: Threat Information Exchange für kritische Infrastrukturen
28th April 2015, Vienna/Austria
IAPP - Europe Data Protection Intensive
14th - 16th April 2015, London/UK
EIT Digital partner event
PI disseminated the main project objectives to several stakeholders during EIT ICT Labs Partner Event
15th-17th April 2015, Trento/ITALY
ACM SAC 2015 - Symposium on Applied Computing; Security Track
13th - 15th April 2015, Salamanca/SPAIN
CYSPA Conference
PI participated in CYSPA conference, and presented the ECOSSIAN mission, objectives and potential impact
26th March 2015, Brussels/BELGIUM
H2020 Secure Societies Information Day 2015
PI disseminated ECOSSIAN objectives to several stakeholders during the Brokerage and Networking side-event. The aim of this activity has been to explore ideas for the ECOSSIAN exploitation forecasts.
26th March 2015, Brussels/BELGIUM
ICMIE 2015 - 4th International Conference on Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering
21st - 23rd March 2015, Singapore
ICIT 2015 - IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology
17th - 19th March 2015, Sevilla/SPAIN
COBIT conference
14th - 15th March 2015, Orlando/SPAIN
Critical infrastructure protection and resilience Europe 2015 - UNISDR
4th - 5th March 2015, The Hague/NETHERLANDS
INISCom 2015 - 1st International Conference on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems
2nd - 4th March 2015, Tokyo/JAPAN
ICSS 2015 - International Cyber Security Strategy Congress
4th - 5th February 2015, Leuven/BELGIUM
CPDP 2015 - Computer Privacy and Data Protection - International Conference
21st - 23rdJanuary 2015, Brussels/BELGIUM
Forum International Cybersécurité (FIC 2015)
BRT: Promotion of the ECOSSIAN project
20th-21st January 2015, LilleI/FRANCE
E-CRIME EU project workshop
PI disseminated the Ecossian project - networked, exchanged ideas with researchers, and presented paper
19th January 2015, Rome/ITALY
GLOBECOM - Communication and Information Symstems Security Symposium
8th - 12th December, Austin, Texas/USA
November 2014
Cyber Security Summit 2014
20th November, London/UK
SCADA Security Conference LATAM
5th - 7th November, Rio de Janeiro/BRAZIL
IEEE IECON - Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
29th October - 1st November, Dallas, Texas/USA
European Cyber Security Month 2014 (ECSM)
AIT: Contribution to the European Cyber Security Month (October 2014); Intro of ECOSSIAN and particularly WP2 and WP3 Objectives as well as preliminary solutions.
17th October 2014, Eisenstadt/Austria
CRITIS - International Conference on Critical Infrastructure Security
13th - 15th October, Limassol/CYPRUS
Anti Phising Working Group's (APWG) annual event: eCrime Research Symposium 2014
23rd - 25th September, Birmingham, Alabama/USA
IT Security Industrial and Automation Conference
18th - 19th September, Kassel/GERMANY
IEEE ETFA - International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation
16th - 19th September, Barcelona/SPAIN
FTF-CSIRT Community
PI disseminated ECOSSIAN objectives and workplan and potential impact of ECOSSIAN on SOCs and CERTs in the framework of the TF-CSIRT Community.
18th September 2014, Rome/Italy
International Symposium for ICA and SCADA Cyber Security
11th - 12th September, St. Pölten/AUSTRIA
SAFECOMP - International Conference on Computer, Safety, Reliability and Security
10th - 12th September, Florence/ITALY
International Workshop on Data Fusion and Big Data
27th August, Thun/SWITZERLAND
ISRCS - International Symposium on Resilient Control Systems
19th - 21st August, Denver, Colorado/USA
ECOSSIAN presentation in the Innovation and Research page of PI-CERT (Italian and English versions)
PI participated
July 2014
IEEE INDIN - Inernational Conference on Industrial Informatics
27th - 30th July, Porto Alegre/BRAZIL
International Conference on Privacy, Security & Trust
23rd – 24th July, Toronto/CANADA